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nag hammadi libraries中文是什么意思

用"nag hammadi libraries"造句"nag hammadi libraries"怎么读"nag hammadi libraries" in a sentence


  • [网络] 拿戈玛第经集;拿哈玛地文库;拿戈玛第遗卷
  • (nag hammadi library 的复数)


  • The nag hammadi library unearthed in egypt
  • nag hammadi library in english, harper collins " i am the light that is over all things . " gospel of thomas
  • Other good books include : the new jerusalem bible with the apocrypha, doubleday; and, the nag hammadi library in english, harper collins books
  • One of the most talked about books of the nag hammadi library is the gospel of thomas, a collection of the spiritual sayings of jesus on gaining enlightenment
  • This almost 2, 000 year old " time capsule " a large sealed storage jar containing parchments written in the coptic language buried by monks during the fourth century now known as the nag hammadi library, has set in motion a spiritual revolution
用"nag hammadi libraries"造句  
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